3 Tips For Framing Collectible Maps

Maps not only showcase different ways to navigate, but the maps themselves often become pieces of art. You may have maps that have a lot of special meaning to you or represent a special time in your life. For example, you could have a map of your favorite amusement park from when you were a child.

No matter what type of map you own and want to display, you can follow the same tips. These tips will help you get the most out of your map and a picture framing company can help present the map in a sleek and elegant way. Check out the tips and learn what to request the next time you go to get a map framed.

1. Anti-Reflective Glass

When you look at a map on your wall, you want to see the whole design from any angle you look at. You will find a lot of disappointment if your map design is constantly covered by glare on the glass. When you bring a map in for custom framing, ask for anti-reflective glass. The glass will not create glares and can showcase every part of the map.

With the anti-reflective glass, you will have a crystal clear view of the map while the glass still offers protection from dust, dirt, and damage.

2. Floating Frames

A map can often stand out on its own and doesn't need a thick frame to keep it in. If you want to display just the map itself, then consider a floating frame. A floating frame includes razor-thin edges, so the map goes from side to side and really stands out on its own.

A custom frame shop can place the map so it fits perfectly around the map and you do not need to deal with any gaps or issues.

3. Matted Frames

If you have an older map you want to hang up, then you will want to protect the map and keep the design in pristine condition. Add extra protection to the edges and overall design with a frame that includes a matte. Using the map measurements, a frame store can cut a matte to size and fit the map within the opening.

The extra layer of protection on the matte offers extra cushioning from the glass and also protects the edges so they do not need to press into the frame itself.

Gather your maps together and keep these tips in mind the next time you seek custom framing options for your maps.
